Of all the things I care about for his future --

& of all the things I do not know about parenting & all the things I am convinced that we will still be figuring out for the next forever amount of years, I think I pretty much peaked at the best compliment I'll ever receive that also -- as fate would intentionally have it -- pretty much has nothing to do with me or my abilities as a mom.

Bear's great grandfather (who also has yet to ever meet a stranger after 87+ years) said today after spending a lot of time with him, "It's a gift. Even if he doesn't know ya, It don't matter who ya are, he's gonna still treat ya like a friend. With kindness & a wave".

Watching Teddy grow, it couldn't be truer of who he seems to want to be, and it is inspiring & challenging to me at the same time. Because I believe this is our birth-given outlook towards others --  That no matter where we are together or what his mood is or if the person sees him or engages back, he doesn't seem to believe in the word stranger. He doesn't let it derail his perception of himself, the other, or the world. He just smiles and takes his next steps forward.

& Of all the things I care about for his future, this is the one that I pray most that he will never forget & that I will continue to learn from.